ONE-EYED JACQUES ================ Int - - Per +1 +1 Alert Str +1 +1 Thick-Muscled Sta +2 +3 Weathered Pre +1 +1 Assertive Com +1 +1 Commanding Dex - - Qik - - Virtues ------- Grog Leader +1 Premonitions +1 Sharp Ears +1 Flaws ----- Missing Eye -1 Decrepit (Old Wound) -2 Age 30 (60 eps.) Abilities --------- Brawl-4 (Fist) Free + 9 Single Weapon-2 (Longsword) 3 Shield and Weapon-4 (Longsword) 10 Great Weapons-1 (Quarterstaff) 1 Chain Weapons-1 (Morningstar) 1 Longshaft Weapon-1 (Spear) 1 Crossbow-2 (Heavy Crossbow) 3 Awareness-2 (Watching Underlings) 3 Folk Ken-2 (Mercenaries) 3 Carouse-3 (Power Drinking) Free + 5 Etiquette-1 (Peasants) 1 Leadership-4 (Grogs) 10 Animal Handling-1 (Horses) 1 Ride-2 (Battle) 3 Chirurgy-1 (Binding Wounds) 1 AL: North France-1 (Geography) 1 OL: Ord. of Hermes-1 (Politics) 1 Speak French-4 (Military Slang) Free Speak Breton-2 (Rustic) 3 Background ---------- Jacques - a mercenary from some time back, who'd wandered into grog work more or less by accident - was becoming a senior grog at Carnac, and natural leadership material for a turb. Frankly, it's unlikely that the old covenant would have let him go, were it not for his misfortune. There was a bunch of bandits making trouble around the road to the covenant, and the wizards got irritated enough to send a few grogs to clean them out. Unfortunately, the Companion in charge of the task was a little rash, and - to his regret - Jacques didn't argue tactics forcefully enough with the fellow. The bandits, while nothing special, were smart enough to see an attack coming, and to have an ambush prepared. Jacques, with the point force, ended up in the middle of the carnage. It was his heroic stand that saved the grogs from complete disaster, but at cost; a spear through the hip that left him weakened and shaken for life, and a dagger-slash that took out one eye. The wizards were persuaded to do something for him, but it only saved his life - it didn't restore his health. He comments now that the fight at least taught him something - to trust his instincts when they say that there's danger. With that lesson learnt, he's found that they are very good instincts. (He's also learnt to use his ears to compensate for his reduced vision.) However, with some vague idea of compensation, the covenant has now offered him a position of standing and authority - helping to organise and lead the grogs of a new covenant that they are sponsoring.